Friday, May 21, 2010

Old Dominion is Beautiful!

I had a good time in the hiker parade at Trail Days, which as, usual, turned into a running water fight between water balloon armed hikers and hose and water pistol armed onlookers. It was great fun. After Trail Days, I signed on for Kincora Hard Core, two days of trail building, which meant I got to re-climb two of the toughest climbs of the last three weeks to make them easier for others.  It added up to almost a week without much northward progress, but it was rewarding and time well spent. I have started rolling north again and am making good time. The "hiker legs" have really kicked in. It helps that the terrain has also become far less rugged.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Brother Jon,
    What a great blog! I love the photos. Everyone here at work is following your journey too. It was great talking with you. Thanks for the call.
    What an amazing adventure!
    I love you,
